September 25, 2019 3 min read

Every company has its core values — principles that drive decisions and the way employees do things, as well as motivate the way customers are served. At Stock Show Secrets, we also have our own set of core values, but two of them in particular have a direct impact on the rest.

Sure, we specialize in products that help your animal feel, look and perform better on show day. But our ultimate goal is to provide a safe family experience for everyone involved. Read on to learn more about our driving principles and how they help us accomplish this.

Principle #1: To create a safe, enjoyable environment.

There’s a disconnect in the stock show industry today when it comes to what people think the animal goes through during a show and what actually happens. Many may be understandably unaware of the situation and think that the animals they see in shows are happy to be there. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Take this common scenario, for example:

A child trains his or her show animal in the familiar environment of their home property. There’s no crowd, no pressure and the animal is calm. Once it’s time for a show, that animal is transported to a far-off, unknown place—enduring random stops, starts and other movements that jostles them around on the trip. When they get to the show, they’re stressed out, there’s tightening in their muscles and their blood pressure rises. They aren’t getting enough oxygen to their blood. When it’s finally show day (which can be a few days after they arrive), the animal isn’t the same animal the child trained with. It’s “unhitched.” It’s prone to act unexpectedly and abnormally. Simply put, the animal has had enough!

Our products aim to prevent scenarios like this from happening. Attitude Adjustment, for example, helps eliminate the “fight or flight” mechanism that automatically kicks in after a stressful experience. They feel and act like they would at home. The best part? There are no ingredients that interfere with their neurological function, like our competitors use.

Principle #2: To provide hands-on guidance and education.

Our second driving principle is all about educating and empowering our customers and anyone else at the stock show. The goal? To reinforce our first principle. We have a presence at hundreds of shows across the country and our people are trained to be helpful and educational.

It’s why we put flyers up at our shows that give tips on keeping families safer, such as:

  • Taking the animal’s depth perception into account
  • Keeping items out of the walkway that could fall over
  • Not letting kids run around in the barn
  • Not being loud
  • Being slow and deliberate with movements

In addition, we’re always available to visit with our customers, talking about their animal and giving them a plan on how to use our products for a successful outcome. If the customer is using Gold Dust, for example, our team member will show them how much they need to use each day, how they should use it and the right way to use it.

At the end of the day, the goal is for the animal to be confident and look the best they ever have, all while promoting a safe environment for everyone involved.

If you have any questions about our products or why we do what we do, don’t hesitate to contact us today and we’ll give you the answers you need.